This email only affects section 21 notices in England.

The point of the consultation is to seek views on how to implement the Government’s decision to abolish section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 and improve the implementation of the section 8 grounds. In addition to abolishing section 21 they are also proposing to abolish the assured shorthold tenancy.  Instead the landlord can choose to either have a fixed-term assured tenancy or a periodic assured tenancy.

The consultation aims to enable the Government to take steps to ensure a tenant is always given an appropriate reason why a tenancy is brought to an end, with landlords able to regain possession more efficiently.

The Courts and Tribunal Service Possession Reform Project will introduce a new online system to speed-up and simplify the court process for the landlord. This will also help reduce errors made when making a claim for possession of their property.

The consultation is open to everyone and will end on 12 October 2019 and would like your views on the following:

  • The impact of removing assured shorthold tenancies, and whether there are any circumstances where a tenancy should be ended without the tenant being at fault
  • Whether the reforms should relate to all those who use the Housing Act 1988 – in both the private and social sectors
  • How existing grounds for possession covered by Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 can be used effectively or reformed in the future once section 21 is no longer available and how new grounds should be added to cover the landlord selling or moving into the property; and
  • How the courts could consider applications for possession orders under section 8 of the Housing Act 1988 more efficiently.

You can respond to the consultation via the link

Email your response to the consultation questions to

Or write to

Private Rented Sector Strategy and Reform Division

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Third Floor, South West – Fry Building

2 Marsham Street
