This applies to England

The Government has announced there will be new legislation to extend the bailiff suspension and longer notices that are currently in place under the Coronavirus Act 2020, which were due to expire on 31 March.

The extension will be at least until 31 May, and will include a landlord seeking possession of a property must issue six months’ notice, except for serious cases like anti-social behaviour, false statements, rent arrears over six months, where the tenant has passed away or where the tenant does not have the right to rent under immigration law. 

They have said they do not intend to introduce a cliff edge ending for longer notice from the first of June but are looking at some form of phased reduction. They refer to “transition to the broader programme of reform” which is likely to mean scrapping of section 21, so they may not reduce that at all.

Modifications to court hearings (review hearings, coronavirus impact statements etc) will remain in place till at least July 2021.