The Government released updated guidance for Moving Home during and coronavirus (Covid19) and COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities.

These cover best practice for how businesses can mitigate risks by carrying out a workplace risk assessment, managing the uncertainty going forward, allowing tradespeople in the property, carrying out viewings and moving into a property. With a view to help reduce the risk of spreading the infection as we head toward the autumn and winter months.

In the guidance they have removed a section regarding clinically extremely vulnerable people and also mentioned if you are fully vaccinated,  there is no requirement to self isolate if you have had close contact with someone with Covid. 

A face covering should be worn in crowded or enclosed spaces, this could include viewing a property or having a contractor or tradesmen enter your property though this is no longer a strict legal requirement. You should still continue to open windows and wipe down any surfaces touched by people other than your household. 

There is no limit as to how many people can view a property, however you may wish to still keep the amount of visitors to a minimum as this can reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

As a business could be prosecuted if a person viewing the property, a tradesman or member of staff, caught coronavirus through failure to take precautions, offices need to exercise caution on their policy in this area. 

For the full guidance please see the links

Coronavirus (Covid19) and COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities